Saturday, May 22, 2010

the power

Chapter Two
Paris went to school and saw Angelina first. Paris asked, '' Have you seen Bella ?'' Angelina says, '' yeah she is with her teacher, Mr. Renal. Bella is probably talking his head off.'' Paris gives a weak smile and Angelina doesn't know why Paris is acting like this. Paris is acting like this because Paris and Bella doesn't go to the mall with Angelina anymore because when someone is just looking at her she has a problem. So why they don't take Angelina to the mall anymore. But Angelina doesn't know this she just thinks they think it's a bad habit to shop for something you already have. And the last time they went to the mall they saw Angelina there and they don't know if she saw them and is going to try to get back at them later on. So Angelina tries to break the ice she says,'' Why don't you go to the mall anymore?'' Paris thinks it's a trick so she says,'' I don't know maybe it just gotten old and I got tired of it.'' Then Angelina says,'' oh, so why don't you pick up your phone when I call?'' Paris says, '' Don't take it personal. It just that I've been busy.'' Then Angelina says why don't we hang out anymore?'' And gives Paris a nudge.
Then Bella comes and says, ''We got a new project due on June 11 but it is easy don't worry you can finish it in seconds.'' She sounded happy. So what were you talking about while I was gone?Asks Bella. Paris says,'' Why we don't we hang out anymore?'' Bella makes a fake bell ringing and says oh was that the bell already can't be late sorry catch you guys later. Bella runs away and wipes fake sweat off her face.
Then Paris and Angelina are just looking at each other. Paris says I think that was the bell. Angelina says, It wasn't the bell. looking for suspiciousness in Paris' face. Then Paris says,'' oh, well got to be early for class.'' Angelina says,'' When did you start being early for class?'' Paris says,'' When I want my average to go higher.'' Angelina says, ''But your average is as high as it can get.'' But by the time Angelina says that Paris already left. So Angelina just walks away thinking that her friends are acting suspicious.

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