Sunday, January 23, 2011

the power

chapter 9
Meanwhile the people who took Paris came back to get her. They don't know where she is so they went to where they found her last time. They finally found her or so they thought they found her. It was really her twin. that Paris never knew about but her parents did. So anyway, they took London and was on their way back. London didn't know where she was at so she tried to find out and stay alive. The reason why Paris didn't know she had a twin sister because the parents didn't have enough money to for the both of them so she took the youngest thinking at least the oldest lived and saw her parents. Without thinking about giving it to a relative they put her in a foster home. London was treated like a princess with the people who took her. One day London was walking around getting to know the place she wanted to live forever and she over heard something she wasn't suppose to the lady that took her said, "I don't think that's the same girl we took before." The man that took her said " How do you know that they look exactly the same?" I 'm not stupid they have different heights and different names ones Paris and hers is London. There's ways of identifying the differences of twins." " Well too late let's just accept that we have someone else." "Also London doesn't have powers unless it's coming late and I doubt that." London thought and thought about where she heard that name before but I don't know where. London hears them coming and runs back to her room. " Why am I here?" You may have powers and were here to help. " who is this girl I keep hearing about I think her name is ... um ... Paris? " that's the girl we took before you and she ran away and we were hoping you were her but you're not." "We think that's your sister." "Oh yeah now i remember I had a twin sister we were 2 years apart. My parents put me in a foster home because they didn't have much enough for the money for the both of us." "we are not so sure that you have powers." "So you guys are going to ask me to leave?" "Were still pending." "unless you can help us find her." "sure, I never saw her for more than 3 years."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The power

chapter 8
'' Thanks Angelina you saved us we don't know how you did it but there is no time for questions.'' Paris father said. "At least we know we can count on someone. How come Paris you didn't do anything?" Bella asked. " because i was locked up just like you." Paris yells. But what i want to know is how come you didn't get caught like us." Paris continues. "I don't know maybe they didn't see me. That doesn't make sense their always in the dark they get use to it they saw perfectly unless they couldn't see you like your invisible but that is impossible unless you have something to tell us." "No I am okay." "Okay but their is someone always watching you." I think she knows but how time for me to turn the tables. you know no one will go that far to find something about someone that isn't there unless you have a confession. Me i have a confession please if something is wrong i speak. i can not believe what this girl is doing. Paris thinks. she is on to me get ready for a comeback Angelina. Don't be jealous that you don't have powers that is why you did this so you can have so you can have fame and fortune and be a hero too. Tell the truth, tell the truth, cause you know it's true. That is not true you take that back. I can't it's out there. You are just rude i thought you were my friend not a back stabbing enemy but i guess when your in the dark and finally go into the light you get blinded and you lose focus of the goal because you find out more of the person than you wanted. I know you'll disagree cause that is what your best at i wish you luck on this journey because i can't wait to drop you off to where you have to go. Okay i guess this is where we can stop for tonight we had a long day. "Sadly, this is only day one." Bella says.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

the power

chapter 7

Angelina was still thinking. Then she got it. Bats are scared of light because it is a vampire. So just flash some light and she has her cell phone so she will just shine some brightness. then Angelina ran inside with the light in her hand and tried to scare them away. Sadly Angelina couldn't find the key to unlock the gates. Then the master vampire dropped the key and ran away and Paris without knowing it knew Angelina had the ring and bracelet and told her look in the future to find the key and when she found them their was a riddle. Their was three keys the first one said it's the girls parents use the middle key. The next was she doesn't have a power but she does hang out with the girl. Lastly Paris's key had no riddle on it you had to put Angelina's ring in. Sadly she did that and they all left. What Paris notice was in the riddles was the vampires answers they made the clues too easy, then they knew everyones information, and they left to easily. Paris is thinking this might be a trap and they might strike again, but she didn't tell anyone.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

chapter 6

chapter 6
First they went up a mountain called Edgy mountain but they had to fight monsters. The monsters were called anise they used their powers to force you on their evil side and they controlled your mind. Everyone was fighting except Paris even Bella and Angelina were fighting even though they didn't know what or who they were fighting. Paris didn't fight because she was thinking about what will happen when she got to where she belongs. Paris also thought that she shouldn't do anything since she had the power. which everyone thought was unfair and thought she was being selfish. But Paris's mother thought about why Paris was acting like this and knew Paris's power was doing it all. Paris is very powerful because of her power and the more powerful the power is the of bad things happen. So Paris is turning selfish because of the power she has. The next day they past the mountain but it is starting to thunder and lightening so they hid in a cave with a secret doors and before you know it bats fly out of the cave and vampires come and take everyone except Angelina, Angelina wasn't taken because when she killed the master of anise he had the ring to look in the future and she took it and she also took the bracelet of invisibility and she took it because it looked so beautiful, but when it was lightening she saw it shine and she looked in the future to see what it did. The reason why she didn't tell Bella and/or Paris was because she was still mad about them going shopping without her. The reason why she didn't tell Paris's parents was because they would not let her keep it. Sadly Angelina does not know what she is going to do to save them. Angelina knows everyone will eventually notice she is not there and start getting worried. Also the vampires are not living nor dead so if you hit them you'll go right through them. So she has nothing to defeat them with which is something to suck all their blood out of them, or something to make them faint. All she can see in her ring is everyone scared not knowing what to do. And Bella thinking Paris should do something since she has the power.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

chapter 5

We got to get you back. ''What no, Why are you guys acting like, this shouldn't you guys be happy for me. I saved myself, when no one could do it for me. I just don't understand." Paris starts crying. The parents sit her down and tell her that she has a superpower but i didn't come yet and it will come but randomly. Paris just thinks they're making fun of her emotions. So she just plays along, until her parents keep talking and she realizes their not that creative so something must be going on but they might of bended the truth a bit much. sadly she knew her parents doesn't lie so she knew they were telling the truth. From then on she never thought the same she thought the world was against her except her parents and friends. So Friday was the last day of school and so was her friends. Even though Paris didn't have her power yet they wanted to get to the place she belonged before it came and damaged started to happen. Which was starting to be too late.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

the power

chapter 4

The next Friday Angelina followed them again. " I can't believe it. Is this what I think it is? My friends going to the mall without me?" Oh so this is why Paris and Bella was acting so weird. Well here is my revenge you got what you want Paris and Bella. Angelina thought. Angelina really did't want to believe this so she followed them the next friday and finally accepted that they go to the mall without her. On the same day she dressed in different clothing and followed them all the way through the mall. Angelina saw them at Amanda's place. Angelina seen them shop. Then Angelina saw them at cold stones. Then she saw Paris leave for the bathroom. And Bella waited outside the bathroom. Angelina walked up and acted like she didn't know what was going on. ''Hey" Angelina says. '' What's up?'' Bella ''nothing.'' I am about to go over Paris' house for a surprise. ''No!'' Bella shouts. "Why is it because Paris won't be there because she will be here with you?" " I guess our plan has been caught."Bella says sadly " Yeah"Angelina says. "It's been a long time since Paris been in there." Don't change the subject.'' " I am not." See this is why Paris and I don't hang out with you you always want to be right" Bella shouts. I am going to check on Paris." Bella walks in the bathroom. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" The window is open. And Paris isn't here. She tells Angelina and the parents but the parents look sad not worried. But Paris comes home 5 days later I have been kidnapped but I have escaped. Now the parents looked worried.