Thursday, August 5, 2010

chapter 6

chapter 6
First they went up a mountain called Edgy mountain but they had to fight monsters. The monsters were called anise they used their powers to force you on their evil side and they controlled your mind. Everyone was fighting except Paris even Bella and Angelina were fighting even though they didn't know what or who they were fighting. Paris didn't fight because she was thinking about what will happen when she got to where she belongs. Paris also thought that she shouldn't do anything since she had the power. which everyone thought was unfair and thought she was being selfish. But Paris's mother thought about why Paris was acting like this and knew Paris's power was doing it all. Paris is very powerful because of her power and the more powerful the power is the of bad things happen. So Paris is turning selfish because of the power she has. The next day they past the mountain but it is starting to thunder and lightening so they hid in a cave with a secret doors and before you know it bats fly out of the cave and vampires come and take everyone except Angelina, Angelina wasn't taken because when she killed the master of anise he had the ring to look in the future and she took it and she also took the bracelet of invisibility and she took it because it looked so beautiful, but when it was lightening she saw it shine and she looked in the future to see what it did. The reason why she didn't tell Bella and/or Paris was because she was still mad about them going shopping without her. The reason why she didn't tell Paris's parents was because they would not let her keep it. Sadly Angelina does not know what she is going to do to save them. Angelina knows everyone will eventually notice she is not there and start getting worried. Also the vampires are not living nor dead so if you hit them you'll go right through them. So she has nothing to defeat them with which is something to suck all their blood out of them, or something to make them faint. All she can see in her ring is everyone scared not knowing what to do. And Bella thinking Paris should do something since she has the power.

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